Lydia Silvestry's Beauty Secrets Best Seller Is Now Available On EBook

Lydia Silvestry's Beauty Secrets Best Seller Is Now Available On EBook
Inside, you will learn how to:
Lydia Silvestry"s Beauty Secrets is your guide to reversing aging, regaining health, and improving your body's energy. This book is presented in a candid, and uncomplicated manner, designed to save you time, money and, of course, wrinkles.
Lydia Silvestry is a phenomenon. As a young girl, she was pronounced dead in a hospital emergency room. It was during this experience that she became aware of her spirit choosing to return to her body in order to be of assistance on earth. In her teens, she attended a beauty pageant as a spectator and, inadvertently, was crowned Puerto Rico's Beauty Queen. As a journalist in her twenties, she could not find a dress that suited her versatile needs, thus she invented the world famous Infinite Dress: a garment designed to be worn more than 100 different ways. Lydia also speaks ten languages.
Lydia Silvestry is the creator of the world famous Infinite Dress.
The only dress you can wear over 100 ways-from casual to very elegant. The world's most famous attire. The most copied dress in the world and none has ever achieved it's excellence. In the video you can catch a glimpse of the many changes you can attain with the Infinite Dress.
Former beauty queen and world-renowned fashion designer reveals her keys to ageless beauty.
Do you want an attractive and youthful appearance? Would you like to have glowing skin, healthy hair, incredible energy and an ongoing sense of wellness? Here's your opportunity to stop the clock and even reverse the aging process.
Within this book you'll discover over 300 tips, recommendations and recipes designed to enhance your health and beauty at any age.
In her book Lydia offers a day by day account of what constitutes a green lifestyle- in it she includes her most private and intimate details of her personal life.
Over forty years ago, Lydia Silvestry was crowned People's Beauty Queen in Puerto Rico. That's not so amazing. What is amazing is how young and beautiful she looks today. How does Lydia, a grandmother in her sixties, continue to look so young that she has often been mistaken for her grown son's sister?
Over her lifetime, the author has gathered and adopted hundreds of beauty secrets-all of which have obviously served her well. She is living proof that natural is better and now she is ready to teach her secrets to others who desire greater health and beauty. For the first time, Lydia Silvestry shares her youth-enhancing techniques.
Can aging be reversed? Yes, it can! Following Lydia Silvestry's Beauty Secrets you can indeed look younger, regain your vitality and have fun while doing it.
Lydia Silvestry's Beauty Secrets is a detailed personal account of Lydia's own habits, methods, techniques and general lifestyle practices. Some of the secrets are unique and ingenious. Others border on the bizarre. They all have one thing in common: simplicity. They are made with or derived from inexpensive natural products.
Reading this book will help you lead a gentle life that will benefit your entire family.
You will learn how to:
Discover how fabrics affect your nervous system, your energy and the stress level in your body. Your every day stress will diminish when you follow Lydia's recommendations.
Lydia Silvestry's Beauty Secrets is your guide to reversing aging, regaining health, and improving your body's energy. This book is presented in a candid, and uncomplicated manner, designed to save you time, money, stress, and, of course, wrinkles.
We all know how beneficial to our planet the concept of ecologically correct living can be.
This is mostly talked about in a global sense. However, this concept, when followed on an individual basis, can benefit your body, your life and that of all your family. Once you become aware of all your environment; from the moment you wake up in the morning, to all that surrounds your being, you become rather selective. This lifestyle is what I am about. When you transcends to this way of being, your body will be so grateful!
In my book; Lydia Silvestry's Beauty Secrets I invite you to enjoy an easy lifestyle, from a holistic point of view, with over 300 tips and recommendations, mostly using kitchen stuff. Bringing awareness to reducing toxic chemicals in your environment; from head to toes, food and home, and all around us!
In a most candid, honest, courageous and joyful style with abundant information of significant importance for your life. A thrifty and liberating lifestyle presented with the intention to inspire you to live a vibrant and healthy life; to have wild fun!
Allowing for working woman with no time to cook, to free their creativity in the kitchen, helping the working MOM to be able to prepare healthy food in only minutes. Over 100 recipes- a series of step by step inventive ideas of how prepare Monday's delicious dinner, to re-dress the food to a new Tuesday fancy dinner, to a Wednesday banquet; admitting some dishes to appear related to the previous one, but with a new look and a completely different taste. Leading to a truly easy way of cooking with pure healthy ingredients, free of chemicals, in no time.
Freeing the body of life-long held toxins, brings boundless energy to the body , allowing us to have vibrant living resulting in wild fun in life. Cleaning the liver and kidneys bring optimum sense of well being to us. I love it!
I am confident you will choose this liberating lifestyle as it makes your life so much easier.
Lydia Silvestry is a phenomenon. As a young girl, she was pronounced dead in a hospital emergency room. It was during this experience that she became aware of her spirit choosing to return to her body in order to be of assistance on earth. In her teens, she attended a beauty pageant as a spectator and, inadvertently, was crowned Puerto Rico's Beauty Queen. As a journalist in her twenties, she could not find a dress that suited her versatile needs, thus she invented the world famous Infinite® Dress: a garment designed to be worn more than 100 different ways. Lydia also speaks seven languages.
Perhaps this talented woman's most amazing characteristic is her appearance. She has never had a face lift. Doctors who examine her cannot believe how someone in her sixties can have the skin of a woman in her thirties. For a long time, Lydia's friends and acquaintances begged her to share her beauty secrets with them. Herein Lydia does just that, with her first book: Lydia Silvestry's Beauty Secrets.
Eternal youth, elegance, passion, natural beauty, and creativity: blend these together with a good portion of inspired genius and you have a recipe for success called Lydia Silvestry.
Lydia not only embodies these qualities herself, she also infuses them into everything that she creates and sees them inside every other woman.
From an early age, this former beauty queen, born and raised on the exuberant island of Puerto Rico and trained in design at the prestigious London College of Fashion in London, England, devoted herself to the study of everything that nature provides us with to maintain and enhance our inner and outer health and beauty. In her book: "My Beauty Secrets", Lydia discloses her utter most secrets exposing in detail her unique style of living in health.
Lydia started her working career as a Woman's Fashion Editor at El Nuevo Dia newspaper in San Juan, Puerto Rico. She was presented The Medal of Communications by the Governor, for outstanding performance in the journalistic field - the highest award achievable. Lydia then went on to become Managing Director of Temas Magazine, a New York based Latin American publication.
Meanwhile, Lydia's hobby was fashion. She loved to create clothing for herself. Her friends were so impressed with her fashion designs, they frequently asked her to design for them as well. Because as a journalist Lydia was traveling frequently, she needed a dress that would travel well and look good for any occasion. She began to develop a design with that concept in mind.. the Infinite Dress.
Lydia's success took her to Europe. She fell in love with London and decided to move there, continuing both her journalism and her fashion hobby. So impressed were Lydia's new friends in England with her Infinite Dress, that they prompted Lydia to share it with the world. Thus began Lydia's successful career as an international fashion designer. She studied at the London College of Fashion simply because fashion is her passion!
As the Infinite Dress caught fire, Lydia Designs Ltd., Inc., opened offices in New York, Paris and London. The Infinite Dress was granted a patent in the U.S. and Japan, a testament to its unique design and ingenuity. Lydia's studies in sculpture and painting in Europe inspired her as an admirer of Modern Art. A polyglot, she speaks several languages, including fluency in Spanish, English, French and Italian.
Among Lydia's loves are her two sons, and grandson. Lydia enjoys pilates, preparing gourmet vegetarian recipes, and the visual arts. Her seemingly inexhaustible energy, curiosity and considerable sphere of influence all over the globe have given her a passport into the customs, lifestyles, philosophies, and spiritual beliefs of women all over the world, from every social strata. Lydia continues to channel that creative energy into fashion and beauty inventions that make women's lives better.
I was reading some of your book this afternoon. Interesting about the peroxide and metal fillings. Unfortunately, I still do have some metal. It's amazing the things that have been put into our bodies over the years. Your book is becoming my Bible. It's very easy reading for someone that's not a big reader. I still don't know where you find your time. You are an amazing woman!!!!
We started reading your book yesterday in our sewing circle. It was so interesting, the ladies forgot to sew! Your "Beauty Secrets" are no longer a secret!
El libro es muy interesante y practico. Ya comence a utilizar algunos de los tratamientos para la piel y verdaderamente son fantasticos. Entre los que he utilzado se encuentran:
1) La mascarilla antiarrugas. Es excelente y notas un cambio inmediato en tu piel.
2) En la noche y la manana me estoy duchando con la mezcla de aceite de oliva y lemongrass o jazmin.
3) El aceite de castor sin olor con la mezcla de jazmin es excelente para las manos y cuello.
4) El aceite de almendras es excelente para todo el cuerpo y la cara.
Estoy en el proceso de terminar de leer el libro y poder incorporar poco a poco todos los consejos.
Con el que tengo un poco de duda y miedo a utilizar es la crema de oxido de zinc. Es cierto que se puede utilizar en toda la cara y como corrector debajo de los ojos para el maquillaje? Puede darle la luz del sol?
This book is wonderful. How happy you must be to have your wisdom presented so well and so beautifully.
Except for the fact that I'm unable to stop reading it, I can truthfully say that it is quite astonishing and I'm sure will become a classic. A very unusual blend of beauty, heart, and wisdom.
You are a wonder,
- Judy, Wisconsin Dells
Lydia Silvestry’s Beauty Secrets is a fascinating personal account of how a baby boomer discovered what the medical world often overlooks; that one can enjoy prolonged physical well-being and a younger appearance through natural methods of health practices, fitness and diet.
- A. Farshchian, MD, Medical Director, The Center for Regenerative Medicine
What Lydia Silvestry so eloquently points out are secrets to more optimal health. She addresses the issues so often missed: lifestyle, diet, supplementation and detoxification. This book is a MUST READ for those interested in making the most of their health and their natural beauty.
- Peter R. Holyk, MD, CNS, Medical Director
Contemporary Health Innovations Inc. I am impressed by this thorough discussion of the why’s and how to’s for reducing one’s chemical exposure! This is much more than a beauty book; it is a map designed to help people discover a real treasure—lifelong vibrant health!
- Janice O’Han, CHT, President, Positive Change Health Center
Lydia Silvestry’s Beauty Secrets is a valuable tool for one’s health and well-being. The information in this book can help anyone create more balance of mind, body and spirit.
- Sylwia Steyer, Master of Science in Dietetics and Nutrition, Certified Fitness Trainer
This book has simplified my life helping me live a green life the easy way plus it saved me a lot of money.
- Annie H, Vero Beach, FL
It's so easy to read with so many recipes and smart ideas.
- Vickie C, Boulder, CO
It is a remarkable book, had never seen anything quite like it before.
- Margaret Elizabeth M, Wisconsin Dells, WI
"Si Lydia se ve tan joven, bella y radiante, yo no tengo por que lucir mas vieja con el pelo blanco, y aunque no luzca tan joven como ella, puedo mejorar mi apariencia siguiendo sus consejos”
- Lillian C, Miami, FL
At first glance, Lydia Silvestry's pixie-cut hair seems to be prematurely gray. A closer look at her smooth, firm skin confirms it. This youthful woman obviously is in her 40s, certainly no more than 50. And then she tells you that her sixtieth birthday has come and gone, and she has never had a facelift or a single botox injection.
Silvestry, once crowned Puerto Rico's Beauty Queen, has been writing down the secrets to her youthful appearance for more than a decade and is now sharing them in "Lydia Silvestry's Beauty Secrets." Written in a warm, conversational style, her words guide readers through the unlikely process of eliminating chemically produced products from their lives and replacing them with Mother Nature's answers to their health and beauty questions, starting at the top. From the borax she uses as a shampoo to the lemon juice rinse to her simple Avocado Morning Glory and sesame and olive oil conditioners, Silvestry lays out in detail how to find the Fountain of Youth in your local supermarket, with a side trip to the health-food store.
For both inner and outer beauty, Silvestry believes natural is better, and she lives her beliefs. Noticing that the Retin-A her doctor prescribed for skin blemishes years ago smoothed the fine lines on her face, she devised a natural mixture of egg white, honey, eggshell powder (she recycles, too) and vitamin C powder she calls her Sweet Wrinkle Treatment.
Silvestry doesn't write from a pulpit. She has made her share of mistakes along the way, succumbing to peer pressure and the hype of the advertising industry. She admits to getting breast implants when she was 40, but then explains that health problems she attributed to the implants convinced her to have them removed, one of the best health decisions she ever made, she says. A regimen of exercises to strengthen the muscles that support and lift the breasts gradually returned the natural softness.
There will be many readers who won't take the time to bake their own crackers, but even they can enjoy the sweet and tangy taste of
Silvestry's coriander pate, served on store-bought Wasa rye Crispbread. The author serves it to guests in a porcelain bowl surrounded by smaller dishes of some of the pate's ingredients.
An extremely busy businesswoman as well as a wife and mother, Silvestry easily could have given in to the temptation to stock her pantry and freezer with prepared, processed food, but instead has developed her own "processing" system. She sets aside time for a creative cooking day, when ingredients for salad dressings, soups and other staples are "mixed and matched" for use throughout the following week, with extra portions frozen. "Home prepared food is the only prepared frozen food I like," Silvestry says.
Not everyone will embrace the full extent of Silvestry's teachings but her book is easy enough to navigate for any level of commitment.
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